Home > What is New>Specials>Xiamen Free Trade Zone 10 Innovative Business Environment Measures

Xiamen Free Trade Zone intl service trade industrial park

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: September 20, 2023


A view of Xiamen, East China's Fujian province. [Photo/Xiamen Daily]

Located in the Sea World of the Dongdu Wharf, the Xiamen Free Trade Zone international service trade industrial park has been home to a booming service trade industry since its opening in February 2022. 

The zone has injected new vitality into Xiamen's service trade development and become a new force in promoting high-quality growth and high-level opening-up.

As of August, more than 60 percent of the businesses in the Xiamen Sea World were involved in the service trade industry.

As one of the 28 pilot areas for promoting the innovative development of the service trade in the country, Xiamen has seen a rapid growth in its service trade.

The Xiamen Free Trade Zone international service trade industrial park attracts high-quality resources due to its geographical advantages and unique development plan.

During the 23rd China International Fair for Investment and Trade, the Xiamen Sea World welcomed the official establishment of Maritime Silk Road international legal and financial services base, which is for integrated international legal and commerce services. 

Based on the service trade industry, with legal services providing legal protection, supported by the financial and cultural industries, the Xiamen Free Trade Zone international service trade industrial park is actively exploring a new ecosystem for industry operations.

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