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Xiamen FTZ launches intl arbitration center

ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: April 4, 2023

The China Maritime Arbitration Commission's new Maritime Silk Road Arbitration Center was launched during the seventh International Mediation Summit – held in the port city of Xiamen, in China's east Fujian province on March 30-31.


Local CMAC officials attend the launch ceremony for the center. [Photo/WeChat ID: gh_6233022b6145]

The commission, or CMAC, is understood to regard this as a major step towards promoting the construction of the Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District of the Xiamen Free Trade Zone.

The center's mission is to provide arbitration services and establish a regional representative service agency for international businesses.

The Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District FTZ Pilot Zone's functions are expected to be a powerful catalyst for the development of the central legal district. Since its establishment, it has focused on leveraging its location strengths Xiamen being an international port and its cross-border logistics to facilitate an international legal operations platform.

To date, the FTZ pilot zone has attracted a total of over 110 qualified legal agencies as well as industries engaged in finance and in the clothing trade.

Ushering in a new round of development, plans are for the FTZ pilot zone to become a preferred destination for the settlement of international commercial and maritime disputes.