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Xiamen accelerates smart port construction

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn/|Updated: September 1, 2023

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Xiamen Ocean Gate Container Terminal is China's first and the world's leading 5G full-scenario application smart port project. [Photo/Xiamen Daily]

Xiamen in Southeast China's Fujian province has tapped into new-generation information technologies such as 5G, internet of things, cloud computing, and block-chain to accelerate its smart port construction. 

Xiamen Port is an important natural deep-water port on the southeast coast of China which serves 168 shipping routes that connect 146 ports in 55 countries and regions.  

In 2020, Xiamen Ocean Gate Container Terminal became the country's first 5G full-scenario application smart port project.

Xiamen Port has also built the country's first smart logistics platform that has helped the city perform well in the evaluation of the business environment of the top 10 shipping container ports for four consecutive years. 

The city's Wutong Passenger Terminal, which has served more than 20 million passengers from across the Taiwan Strait, has also been actively exploring ways to provide a more efficient and convenient port customs clearance environment for people on both sides of the Strait. 

The air logistics public information platform is also one of the highlights of Xiamen's "smart port" construction.