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Dadeng Taiwan small commodity trading market continues to recover

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: September 19, 2023


A view of the Dadeng Taiwan small commodity trading market. [Photo/WeChat account of Xiamen Free Trade Zone]

Due to the gradual recovery of the tourism industry, the Dadeng Taiwan small commodity trading market in the Xiamen Free Trade Zone has seen an increase in trading activity. 

The first of its kind on the Chinese mainland, the market was opened in 1999 and mainly sells imported goods from Taiwan.

From January to August, the value of goods the market imported from Taiwan exceeded $4.4 million, an increase of nearly 85 percent compared to the same period last year.

This year, the overall market recovery has been significant, with visitor traffic reaching over 470,000 from January to August, an increase of 144 percent compared to the same period last year.

With the sustained recovery of the tourism industry, merchants' confidence has also increased. This year, 36 merchants have reentered the market, marking the highest number of entries in recent years.

To help companies recover, the Xiamen Free Trade Zone administrative committee had in the first quarter of this year provided a 90 percent rent reduction to merchants in the market. Officials have also organized events such as family carnivals and festivals to attract visitor and drive consumption.