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China-Europe freight trains boost land-sea intermodal transportation in Xiamen

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: September 21, 2023


A view of a China-Europe freight train from Xiamen, East China's Fujian province to Hamburg, Germany. [Photo/Fujian Daily]

Several domestically produced electric vehicles were recently loaded onto a China-Europe (Xiamen) train bound for Belarus. The vehicles are expected to reach their destination in 18 days.

Since the China-Europe (Xiamen) freight train route was first used to export electric vehicles in March, the Xiamen customs authority has taken steps to prioritize clearance, inspection, and transfer, thus providing domestic auto companies with a safe and efficient international logistics channel.

Between August 2015 and Sept 15, 2023, some 1,280 trains transporting $4.58 billion worth of exports have plied the route.

Since the beginning of this year, 75 trips had been made with 8,502 standard containers, weighing 54,300 tons, which represents a year-on-year increase of 4.17 percent, 15.20 percent, and 27.45 percent, respectively.

The origins of the cargo have now expanded to Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and Hong Kong, reducing the original transport time from 30 to 40 days down to within 20 days. 

In May, the first return freight train back to Fujian province, which was suspended for over two years, arrived in Xiamen, further promoting two-way communication and trade between Xiamen and European countries.


Containers are waiting to be transported through the China-Europe freight train service in Xiamen. [Photo/Fujian Daily]