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Over 10 million goods exported through BRICS air cargo route

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: November 7, 2023


The staffs check the condition of an aircraft serving the Xiamen-Sao Paulo BRICS air cargo route. [Photo/people.com.cn]

The number of items exported via the Xiamen-Sao Paulo air cargo route surpassed the 10 million on Nov 3 when Flight ET3743, which was loaded with 95.2 tons of cargo, arrived in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The flight departed Xiamen Gaoqi Airport and transited at Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, before reaching Sao Paulo.

The exports on the flight were mainly pharmaceuticals, high-tech products, integrated circuits, and other high-value-added goods. 

The opening of the first all-cargo flight to Brazil from Xiamen following the conclusion of the fourth BRICS Forum on Partnership on New Industrial Revolution has satisfied the growing air logistics demands of China-Brazil cross-border e-commerce businesses and helped Chinese enterprises expand into the Brazilian cross-border e-commerce market. 

Xiamen has in recent years taken special measures to facilitate cross-border trade, encourage the development of emerging port industries and stabilize air transport logistics supply chain. 


The staffs carefully check the goods. [Photo/people.com.cn]